The free-to-play battle royale game - which released on Steam in November 2020 after almost 18-months as an EA Origin exclusive - hit 198,235 simultaneous players on Steam yesterday, its highest ever concurrent user peak according to SteamDB (thanks, Dexerto). The recent surge in new and returning players checking out Season 8 means Apex Legends is currently the fifth most-played game on Steam right now, making it more popular than GTA 5, Rainbow Six Siege, and Team Fortress 2. It’s also in the top ten of most-watched games on Twitch, too, which means more people are tuning in to watch Apex Legends than FIFA 21, CS:GO, and Valheim. Main Caustic in Apex Legends? I have bad news - developer Respawn recently said the popular Legend will be “getting some attention in the near future”. For some time, Caustic was one of those Legends on the roster that players rarely spent much quality time with, but after recent tweaks and buffs he now boasts the highest win rate in games that last longer than 20 minutes and has started to dominate matches. The news came just days after fan-favourite Wraith had the size of her hitbox increased. As explained in the Season 8 patch notes, Respawn hopes to control Wraith’s power without nerfing her abilities, and one way to do so is by changing her hitbox.