Now, following the discovery of this jailbreaking exploit, McDonald has been rifling around in the files for both BluePoint’s Demon’s Souls remake and those of the elusive Abandoned from developer Blue Box Game Studio. When having a closer look at those files for Demon’s Souls, McDonald came across a rather endearing and fun inclusion by developer BluePoint Games. It turns out that there are 3D model files for the one and only ‘Ring of the Chieftain’ tucked away in the PS5 remake. This ring and its entire existence was actually created as a bit of fun by the Demon’s Souls community back in the game’s PS3 days. At this time, it was never actually a real in-game item, although many thought it was, such was the community’s united conviction. Word got around that Demon’s Souls players could obtain the mysterious Ring of the Chieftain if they kept NPC Yurt alive. There were even ‘screenshots’ of this ring being purchased shared around the internet, but at the end of the day this was all just a playful hoax. However, while it may have started out as a bit of fun from Demon’s Souls’ players, the story clearly caught the attention of the game’s developer enough that it debated including the ring in some way as a little Easter egg of sorts in its 2020 remake. McDonald acknowledges that these files could be no more than cut content, but all the same it is a really charming find by the modder. In addition to this find, McDonald also took a closer look at the ‘Real-time Trailer Experience’ for the PS5’s Abandoned (which, in case you missed it, is widely considered within the gaming community to be some sort of very convoluted scam. This all stems from some confusing behaviour by developer Blue Box, which includes deleting various tweets about the game itself and those pertaining to a supposed upcoming demo). In the files of this ’experience’, McDonald came across a map known as “PT2”. On this, McDonald reacted much as we all would, stating the developer clearly had “more fake ‘it’s secretly a silent hill project’ bullshit teases” up its sleeve. On the subject of Abandoned, the developer previously stated the game had not been cancelled despite it falling off the face of the earth. However, a report in June claimed that Abandoned is “not actively being worked on” and “there is no game” in development. These are just two games that have now been accessed through the PS5 jailbreak. What could be next?

Modder dives into Demon s Souls files following PS5 jailbreak  discovers fabled Ring of the Chieftain - 85