On the monster front, there’re no brand-new additions in Title Update 3, but some existing favourites do get a bit of a makeover. Elder Dragons Kushala Daora and Teostra, for instance, have now shaken off the affliction, only to emerge in Risen form - both available at Master Rank 120 or higher - causing them to become much more menacing when their anger peaks. Then there’s the Chaotic Gore Magala, unlocked at Master Rank 10 or higher. This unfortunate beast has failed to complete the skin-shedding process that would normally see it turn into the Shagaru Magala, leaving it in a “deformed” halfway state that’s able to use the attacks of both creatures. Sometimes, says Capcom, it will display “expressions of intense agony”. As usual, all three additions have associated new weapons, armour, and skills that can be crafted by farming their materials. Away from monsters, Title Update 3 brings a host of revisions to Sunbreak’s Anomaly Research system. On its arrival, players can take on new A7* Anomaly Quests, featuring the likes of Flaming Espinas, Scorned Magnamalo, and Seething Bazelgeuse. Additionally, Anomaly Investigations have a new cap of Level 200, and the update makes it possible to lower the level on quests you already possess. Qurious Crafting, meanwhile, has received a number of refinements, and hunters will be able to unlock new augmentation categories for armour, enabling them to choose between defense and skill augments, making it easier to get the stats they want. There’s some great news for fans of Sunbreak’s Follower system too, with Title Update 3 giving players the option to finally use these impressive AI hunters away from dedicated missions. When the update arrives, it’ll be possible to bring followers from Kamura and Elgado on “most” Master Rank quests, Anomaly Quests, and Anomaly Investigations. As such, Capcom recommends completing more Follower quests to maximise the number of follower characters at your disposal. And finally for the free stuff, expect additional weekly event quests promising a range of new rewards, including stickers, equipment, and poses. There’s also some free Kagami voice DLC. Over in the premium shop, Title Update 3 brings new stickers, gestures, background music, hair, the Hinoa layered armour set, and more as paid DLC. One particular highlight is the new Stuffed Monster Series of weapons, giving players the option to wield cuddly facsimiles of their favourite creatures. There are 14 of these in total, available to purchase in a bundle or individually when Title Update 3 launches on 24th November. And that’s everything for now, but Capcom says to expect more free Sunbreak updates in 2023. The first of these, due this “winter”, will include a new elder dragon and powered-up monster, while Title Update 5 will add more monsters - although Capcom won’t be revealing further information on that until closer to its release next “spring”.