The Viking-themed survival and crafting game launched as an Early Access title on 2nd February, and quickly rose to the upper echelons of Steam and Twitch. Valheim hit a peak of 160,000 concurrent users on Steam, and had over 127,000 peak viewers on Twitch during its first week on sale. As it happens, our Aoife, Zoe and Ian are playing Valheim live now in the video below: Valheim is the debut game from Swedish studio Iron Gate, and is published by Coffee Stain (Goat Simulator, Satisfactory). In a Steam post announcing the sales milestone, Iron Gate said it’s currently working to address issues some players have run into. “We are super excited to continue working together throughout 2021, as we bring you tons of cool new content, improvements and … ways to die, through the early access and beyond,” Iron Gate said.