The company emailed a number of people with reservations who happened to live near its office to notify them that Newell would be delivering the handheld consoles. “I don’t believe you,” replied one person. A video of Newell has been released online that shows him rocking up to some very surprised people. Some are clearly fans and instantly recognise the Valve co-founder and president. Others have no clue who he is, but are thankful for the delivery all the same. Newell also signed the devices. “Hopefully the people won’t get mad that I’m signing them,” he said. Newell recounts how his first job was delivering newspapers, followed by a job delivering telegrams for Western Union. He joked that delivering the Steam Decks was “bringing him back” to his days as a delivery man. He also gave out his email address to the lucky recipients asking for their feedback. He receives sometimes several thousand emails a day but says he reads them all as it “keeps you super grounded” and “you know what people are actually thinking”. I wonder how much spam he gets. Check out the Digital Foundry Steam Deck review.