The original version of Valve’s Steam mobile app launched over a decade ago, and it’s felt exceedingly outdated for a very long time. As of today, though, iOS and Android users can download a completely refreshed version via their device’s respective app stores. It’s most immediately obvious change is a considerably more streamlined interface - which gives quick access to the store, personalised news, Steam Guard, and notifications, as well as unburying the likes of wish lists and other key features - but there’s plenty more besides. For starters, the app now features a full library view, with per-title links to things like personal screenshots, as well as easy access to guides, discussions, and other community features. Users can also manage remote downloads of games and updates to their PC or Steam Deck. Elsewhere, there’s support for multiple accounts, as well as notifications for the likes of friend requests, comments, trades, and wishlist games going on sale. Perhaps most handy, though, is the introduction of QR codes for Steam Guard. Now, if you want to sign into Steam on, say, a PC, you no longer need to input your user name, password, and verification code to do so - you simply need to scan a QR code on the log-in page with your mobile device and you’ll automatically sign-in. And if you ever need to remotely sign out of Steam for any reason - perhaps you forgot to log out at a friend’s house - there’s a new Authorised Devices page showing where you’re currently signed in, and providing the option to revoke access if required. With the app update now live, Valve says more new features are already in the works. QR sign-in will be making its way to Steam Deck, for instance, and there’ll be support for new notification types, and a version of the Authorised Devices list for the Steam client and browsers.